Skin problem or illness?

Question: I have some red rashes on the testicles, sometimes it’s itchy. The rashes are located on veins of the scrotum area. Is it some kind of skin problem or illness? I read about varicocele/ testicular torsion/ scrotal mass from the internet, where should I go for some checking?
The scrotum supports the testes. The scrotal skin is made up of specialized non-drying type of thin skin, layered with smooth muscles and veins and arteries. The skin of the scrotum is usually darker than the surrounding skin around the genital and this is due to the high content of melanin, the coloring materials of the skin cells. Considering the scrotum maintains the temperature regulation of the testis, it sometimes relax and sometimes contract. The scrotal skin can become dry if the natural moisturizer is washed away or if the skin is irritated. Scratching causes the skin to rash and sometimes the thin veins and arteries are dilated to cause angioma. These are harmless. If your scrotal skin is dry, do apply some moisturizer after bath. Use boxer shorts so that your scrotal skin is well aired. If you have any doubts about your scrotum and its skin, you should get yourself examined by a doctor.

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