Monthly Archives: March 2010

What is the Islam view on husband suspecting his wife about her past integrity?

Question :
What is the Islam view on husband suspecting his wife about her past integrity, because she is tested hepatitis b positive and what he should do about the issue? Thanks.

It is sad when ones wife is infected with Hepatitis B. In that case her blood will also confirm that she is a carrier, unless she has been vaccinated from young and has Hepatitis B antibodies! After having married her through thick and thin and now harboring doubts about her past integrity is even sadder. The doubtful Thomas need to read more about the transmission of Hepatitis B before he makes any conclusion. The passage below was taken from WIKIPEDIA and the source is very reliable. Please view the passage and take a look at the sentence highlighted.

Transmission of Hepatitis B
Transmission of hepatitis B virus results from exposure to infectious blood or body fluids containing blood. Possible forms of transmission include (but are not limited to) unprotected sexual contact, blood transfusions, re-use of contaminated needles & syringes, and vertical transmission from mother to child during childbirth. Without intervention, a mother who is positive for HBsAg confers a 20% risk of passing the infection to her offspring at the time of birth. This risk is as high as 90% if the mother is also positive for HBeAg. HBV can be transmitted between family members within households, possibly by contact of nonintact skin or mucous membrane with secretions or saliva containing HBV. However, at least 30% of reported hepatitis B among adults cannot be associated with an identifiable risk factor.


I have itchiness in my external genital since I was a kid and up to now, usually I feel more itchy when I have my period and wear sanitary napkin.
Is it possible I have STD? If not why do I experience it? I hope you could help me with this problem.


The condition you are suffering from is known as pruritus vulva or itching vulva. This is a common skin condition of the vulva or the female external genitalia which occur whenever the skin is dry or exposed to irritation. When you are having your period your female hormone estrogen is very low and this can reduce production of natural moisture of the vulva skin and cause dryness. Using the pad which probably might contain some preparation can cause some irritation and itchiness. So also the content of the menstrual flow that can also irritate the external skin. I would suggest that you apply some moisturizer (like the Her Genicare Cream) to your vulva every time before you put the pad or after bath. The moisturizer can make the skin become supple and soft and will reduce dryness and thus no itching. In addition you may also want to try using the ESP Her V-Exclusive wash which being a 100% natural wash can help your condition. Sometime itchiness of the vulva can be caused by yeast infection. It is common for women to get this infection in the vagina through contamination from the anus or the urethra and when the discharge from the vagina is exposed to the vulva skin, the skin become infected, inflamed and itches. You can also get yeast infection from your sexual partner. Then this transmission is through sexual intercourse and known as Sexually Transmitted Disease. If the itchiness persists even after using the moisturizer, then you have to see a doctor. Preferably a skin doctor.


PC Muscle

Original Question:
Ok, this is really strange. As I have gradually gotten older, I have totally lost my sex drive. I know about Viagra and other enhancements, but this isn’t about that.
I noticed today when I masturbated, that my penis is bent downwards.
I don’t think I have that disease that starts with a P, no obvious fibrous tissue growth and no trauma.
I don’t masturbate as much as I used to at least once or twice a day. Now, more like once or twice a month.
But this curve downwards is enough to make me notice. I do have a piercing and I like tight underwear which does make my penis bend down.
But I have had my piercing for years and I have always worn tight underwear. I need the support. I am larger than most guys and it just feels better.
I was thinking that since I don’t exercise it and keep it curled up in my pants, could this be the reason it’s starting to bed? And can I straighten it back out? I’m freaked out big time.


There is this saying ‘If you don’t use you lose’. That goes with your penis. All these while you use it regularly like you mentioned, once or twice a day. This is not happening now and that is why your erection is not as firm as before. That same thing happens to your pelvic floor muscles that buck up your penis during erection. If that muscle is weak, it cannot lift up your penis. That’s why your penis appears bent during erection. There are other factors though with regards to the bending or curving downwards of your erect penis. You wear tight underwear which makes your penis bent down. This is ‘parking’ issue. If you park your penis upwards, then during erection it remains up! Otherwise it will remain humble as it is happening now. You also mentioned that you are large. The gravitational pull will not spare your penis during erection! The pierce you did to your penis does not cause the bend unless you put weights! There you are. The cat is out of the bag. You need to work on your pelvic floor by doing the Kegel Exercise.


(If you are a man, strengthening the PC muscle can help you develop firmer erection and greater ejaculation control. To identify that PC Muscle: Imagine you are urinating. Now squeeze the muscles you would as if you were cutting off the flow of urine. Those are your PC muscles. Now let go and try it again. You are contracting the anterior or frontal part of the PC muscle. Now squeeze your muscles as if you were trying to prevent yourself from passing gas — this is the posterior part of the PC loop. We are all pretty much, “tight asses”–we hold too much tension in these muscles. The challenge is to learn to relax these muscles at will. Now do the posterior squeezes rapidly five times in a row. Try to be conscious of relaxing your anus after every squeeze. Try not to squeeze your thighs, butt or abs–just the PC. You can do basic PC muscle Kegels pretty much anywhere, at work, in traffic, reading the Internet).You can get more details of this exercise in any website. However don’t expect miracles. You will probably see some improvement. But still age is catching up!