Oversensitive Partner

My husband gets offended if I wash off with water after sex. I do it because it’s much more comfortable for me to go to sleep if I’m all cleaned up and because it helps prevent yeast infections, which I’m prone to getting. He thinks it’s prudish and says that it ruins it for him. How can I get him to understand that I need to do this and that it’s normal?

To wash after making love might make it more difficult for the woman to get pregnant because the semen is not settled and movement will only expel it and exposure to soap and water can destroy the active sperms. If your husband is aware of this, he is actually upset because you are actually practising family planning without his consent. If you have children and are not planning for one immediately then washing after sex is no longer an issue, at least no longer his issue but yours because of the various reasons you have mentioned like cleanliness and avoiding fungus infection. If he is not clear about this then you need to inform him. If he is still not clear, you need to take him to your family doctor for a briefing.

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